Dear users, as well as developers and users of the other similar websites, we what to welcome all of you and briefly introduce mission and the aims behind the creation of hima.am.
  • hima.am is not a rival but rather an alternative to all the similar platforms.
  • hima.am is a platform which enables it’s users to post unlimited number of announcements, announcement- related photos and videos on a free of charge basis.
  • Although we strictly supervise the legality and decency of the posted content, our users are ensured the maximum degree of freedom in the formulations of the announcements.
  • The authors of the project in collaboration with the programmers have developed quite a flexible system enabling an easy access for all the users.
  • The website sections envisage all the areas possible. Sections and subsections are processed and classified in correspondence with the priorities that are more dominant according to some research.
  • Despite being versatile, the platform is mainly focused on the Real Estate section. Besides enabling to post and search for announcements, the Real Estate section also contains useful information related to the respective are.
Site developed by ITResources

Կայքի սեփականատեր «ՇԵՆ» ՓԲԸ , Իրավաբանական հասցեն՝ ք.Երևան, Հ.Հակոբյան 8-61